
They screwed up but It seems I’m the unprofessional one

In January I received a proposal for writing a book for a school in which I teach a masters degree for a big university. Money wasn’t that good but the deadline was July, so I accepted it because I honestly could do it in small bits over that time with not a lot of effort. So I say ok and remain waiting for the materials they have to provide. So they show up again on Friday (12th of May), they send me the materials and they tell me they want it for June 5th and I have to send the first half of it for May 26th. So instead of 6 months I’ve got 3 weeks to write it, for the same money. AND they used my position as a teacher as a threatening measure, like “either you do it or you may not be the right teacher for us…

In January I received a proposal for writing a book for a school in which I teach a masters degree for a big university. Money wasn’t that good but the deadline was July, so I accepted it because I honestly could do it in small bits over that time with not a lot of effort. So I say ok and remain waiting for the materials they have to provide.

So they show up again on Friday (12th of May), they send me the materials and they tell me they want it for June 5th and I have to send the first half of it for May 26th. So instead of 6 months I’ve got 3 weeks to write it, for the same money.

AND they used my position as a teacher as a threatening measure, like “either you do it or you may not be the right teacher for us anymore”.

So guess what? I said NO and they got angry, and told me how unprofessional I am. YEAH RIGHT.

Don’t accept abusive work conditions people.

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