
they used employee funds to buy maneuver Christmas gifts

I work at a Dr.’s office with 4 Dr.‘s in our practice. when I started they asked if I wanted to give $3 of every paycheck to the “hospitality committee” which was a group of employee’s who volunteered to organize fun activities for work. it wasn’t much and I agreed. last year several people volunteered for the hospitality committee but the office manager disbanded the committee due to the addition of Dr. #4 and all the extra work/pt’s that came with them. they did give everyone a 25$ gas card in august saying it was from the hospitality fund but other than that we did nothing. no parties, no doughnuts, no gift exchanges, nothing until Christmas when we get a post on the company group page that explains the hospitality fund was used to buy the dr’s gift the 3 male dr’s got steak boxes the female dr and female…

I work at a Dr.’s office with 4 Dr.‘s in our practice. when I started they asked if I wanted to give $3 of every paycheck to the “hospitality committee” which was a group of employee’s who volunteered to organize fun activities for work. it wasn’t much and I agreed. last year several people volunteered for the hospitality committee but the office manager disbanded the committee due to the addition of Dr. #4 and all the extra work/pt’s that came with them. they did give everyone a 25$ gas card in august saying it was from the hospitality fund but other than that we did nothing. no parties, no doughnuts, no gift exchanges, nothing until Christmas when we get a post on the company group page that explains the hospitality fund was used to buy the dr’s gift
the 3 male dr’s got steak boxes
the female dr and female office manager got spa gift cards
and the office manager that originally disbanded the committee got a tree with lights.

they took our money that was supposed to go to making the job better and gave gifts to the bosses.
on a side note the employees did NOT get holiday raises or bonuses.

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