
They want us to be “minions”

My bosses (husband and wife) are extremely fucking annoying. I work in the mental health field & they are typical EXTREMELY high earners.. everything for them is money, money, money. Patient care is second to how many patients we can see in a day. One of my biggest pet peeves is that they refer to us office staff and techs as “minions.” I’ve personally heard them refer to the clinicians as “fucking idiot.” This morning, we had no patients in the office and me and a coworker were discussing a work event, & a few patients we share.. she was livid that we were talking in the lobby… mind you, there were no patients in the office. We can’t talk amongst each other, even if we completed all of our tasks & there’s no patients. We should just pretend to be busy or something with no human interactions. I don’t…

My bosses (husband and wife) are extremely fucking annoying. I work in the mental health field & they are typical EXTREMELY high earners.. everything for them is money, money, money. Patient care is second to how many patients we can see in a day. One of my biggest pet peeves is that they refer to us office staff and techs as “minions.” I’ve personally heard them refer to the clinicians as “fucking idiot.”
This morning, we had no patients in the office and me and a coworker were discussing a work event, & a few patients we share.. she was livid that we were talking in the lobby… mind you, there were no patients in the office. We can’t talk amongst each other, even if we completed all of our tasks & there’s no patients. We should just pretend to be busy or something with no human interactions.
I don’t want to work for people like this. They’re ruining my passions of helping others.

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