
Think I could get advice on overtime pay? (california)

Got shitted on in the r/walmart sub after making a post about editing my time to reflect what should be overtime pay. Yesterday I was scheduled 1-10, closing. Sunday was so bad we called half the store to help our department and end of the day was fucking mess for just me so I stayed and made everything nice for the next morning. worked 1pm-2:30am. I had 2 lunches, 1 hour between 6-7 and 30 minutes between 11:30-12. Walmart has this timeclock feature where employess are automatically clocked out and clocked back in at 12. That means between 12-2:30 I worked an excess of 2.5 hours for base pay instead of legally mandated overtime pay. The next morning I check the pay app and it reflects what I just said so I went into work this morning and spoke to my coach and team lead (manager/assistant manager) and both agreed…

Got shitted on in the r/walmart sub after making a post about editing my time to reflect what should be overtime pay.

Yesterday I was scheduled 1-10, closing.

Sunday was so bad we called half the store to help our department and end of the day was fucking mess for just me so I stayed and made everything nice for the next morning.

worked 1pm-2:30am.

I had 2 lunches, 1 hour between 6-7 and 30 minutes between 11:30-12.

Walmart has this timeclock feature where employess are automatically clocked out and clocked back in at 12. That means between 12-2:30 I worked an excess of 2.5 hours for base pay instead of legally mandated overtime pay. The next morning I check the pay app and it reflects what I just said so I went into work this morning and spoke to my coach and team lead (manager/assistant manager) and both agreed I could just deleted the hours from today and add them to yesterday to reflect overtime. I posted about this on our own subreddit and got shitted on for (stealing money) despite this reflecting the pay I would actually receive if walmart did not automatically clock me out or say i had worked those 12 hours before 12am. Who really is in the wrong, why do i not feel bad like my fellow associates are saying i should.

PS mods if i posted in the wrong sub, any suggestions?

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