
thinking about resigning.

So this is kind of long so I apologize in advance. I'm debating on leaving my job after relocating for a promotion. I've been with the company for three years and have put in alot of hardwork to get where I am. I have yet to receive the relocation bonus until I submit a lease which is fine. They have also been paying for my hotel until I find a place which is also nice. However due to factors like recovering credit and not being able to meet the standard for these places I've been very unsuccessfully in my applications. The one place I did have seemingly willing to work with me has suddenly stopped answering me after everything seemed all set and they were ready to send me a lease and just were deciding which apartment to go with on it. I needed to have the lease in at…

So this is kind of long so I apologize in advance. I'm debating on leaving my job after relocating for a promotion. I've been with the company for three years and have put in alot of hardwork to get where I am. I have yet to receive the relocation bonus until I submit a lease which is fine. They have also been paying for my hotel until I find a place which is also nice. However due to factors like recovering credit and not being able to meet the standard for these places I've been very unsuccessfully in my applications. The one place I did have seemingly willing to work with me has suddenly stopped answering me after everything seemed all set and they were ready to send me a lease and just were deciding which apartment to go with on it. I needed to have the lease in at a certain time Monday before payroll was processed to receive the bonus to pay them and after a couple check ins to see where they were they have seemingly ghosted me. Tuesday afternoon the DM sent an email about needing to move this along asap. I was given 6-8 weeks to figure this out and im on week 4. I've signed no agreement for length of stay. I do not wish to lose what I've worked for but I also do not wish to continue to cost the company money paying for me to not be able to meet their expectations on time. Am I wrong for considering throwing in the towel on this one? I feel as though I'm running out of options fast.

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