
Thinking about the time I was a teenager and the farm I worked at held a mandatory meeting where they put NDA’s in front of us and said if we didn’t sign it we should just leave cause we’d be fired… 90% of the staff were high schoolers too and for context

It was an NDA because they found out, and I’m trying to leave out as much identifying detail as possible lol because I did sign that shit, that their herd of goats they bred and sold to various local farms small and large (even to breeding herds) all carried an ultimately fatal genetic illness. And they did not disclose this known diagnosis to any of the farms they sold the goats to because “it’s on them to quarantine and do the genetic testing”. It was so screwed up, literally whenever our boss would leave us alone with customers we’d do our best to warn them in a way that wouldn’t get us fired (cause we were the only ones who really made sure the animals stayed healthy and alive, so we were afraid to leave the situation at the time). Am I wrong in thinking that was pretty fucked? I’m…

It was an NDA because they found out, and I’m trying to leave out as much identifying detail as possible lol because I did sign that shit, that their herd of goats they bred and sold to various local farms small and large (even to breeding herds) all carried an ultimately fatal genetic illness. And they did not disclose this known diagnosis to any of the farms they sold the goats to because “it’s on them to quarantine and do the genetic testing”. It was so screwed up, literally whenever our boss would leave us alone with customers we’d do our best to warn them in a way that wouldn’t get us fired (cause we were the only ones who really made sure the animals stayed healthy and alive, so we were afraid to leave the situation at the time).
Am I wrong in thinking that was pretty fucked? I’m not even sure it’s legally binding to have underage teens (working age or not) sign NDAs ? Or if it’s legal that they threatened to fire us if we didn’t sign lol?
Working at that place was a trip let me tell ya. Not that any of this matters now. I was just reminiscing about how wild that was and wanted to see if I’m just being over dramatic lol

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