
Thinking of quitting…

Seems like this is a good place to post this… I’ve been working at a certain retail store since March of 2020. A few months in, I got a raise based on how hard I was working, but over the next 2 years, there were a few cost-of-living/retainment/new-hiring-rate raises but I’m now only $.25 above the new hiring rate. I was on a Leave of Absence (LoA) for a bit and upon returning, my manager told me they wanted to try getting me a raise for supervising/leading the 6pm team. It’s now been over 2 months since then, and the nonsense that comes with retail is getting worse as of late. With the holidays coming, I don’t want to quit just yet. And my vacation time rolls over come the 1st of March, so it seems to make sense to hang on for those extra couple months for the extra…

Seems like this is a good place to post this…

I’ve been working at a certain retail store since March of 2020. A few months in, I got a raise based on how hard I was working, but over the next 2 years, there were a few cost-of-living/retainment/new-hiring-rate raises but I’m now only $.25 above the new hiring rate. I was on a Leave of Absence (LoA) for a bit and upon returning, my manager told me they wanted to try getting me a raise for supervising/leading the 6pm team. It’s now been over 2 months since then, and the nonsense that comes with retail is getting worse as of late.

With the holidays coming, I don’t want to quit just yet. And my vacation time rolls over come the 1st of March, so it seems to make sense to hang on for those extra couple months for the extra 2 weeks of pay. Then bonuses roll out around that same time.

It’s always been my goal in life to work for myself, and I recently acquired a sawmill and am currently looking into purchasing a dump trailer, which I will likely pay for in the coming months.

Does anyone have advice on what I should do, either now or after I leave?
Thanks in advance.

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