
Thinking of quitting without notice

After careful consideration I think I am fed up with my job. I have a boss that was so willing to suspend me from work for calling into work when I was willing to provide a doctor’s note, then suddenly changes her tune because it’s against policy to do that. On other occasions she’s gossiped to the department about a termination of an employee, talks shit about everyone in the department behind their backs (especially new people), doesn’t train anyone and is very unpredictable. I’m pretty sure she has trash talked me since I’ve been gone so now everyone is against me. I don’t feel that I fit in with that “team”. I have never done an immediate resignation so that’s what makes it hard, but I’m not sure of how much more of this I can take. I’m disrespected on a daily basis.

After careful consideration I think I am fed up with my job. I have a boss that was so willing to suspend me from work for calling into work when I was willing to provide a doctor’s note, then suddenly changes her tune because it’s against policy to do that. On other occasions she’s gossiped to the department about a termination of an employee, talks shit about everyone in the department behind their backs (especially new people), doesn’t train anyone and is very unpredictable. I’m pretty sure she has trash talked me since I’ve been gone so now everyone is against me. I don’t feel that I fit in with that “team”. I have never done an immediate resignation so that’s what makes it hard, but I’m not sure of how much more of this I can take. I’m disrespected on a daily basis.

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