
This feels like slavery

I work myself to the bone for nothing. For nothing. Before taxes, one hour of work is a dozen of eggs. I can maybe afford a studio apartment for 8 months. No utilities. All my money goes towards having a place to live. I can't even afford food. There is nothing extra. I'm working just to have the privilege of shelter, a basic human necessity. But the only shelter I can afford, isn't even legal shelter nor is it safe. I've applied to every program, reached out to every service, every opportunity of help, and there is no help coming. They wonder why we aren't having children, well, I can't afford to live on my own, I certainly can't afford another human. Having children is unfortunately a privilege. I can't access higher education because I can't afford it. Political issues are being passed stripping me of my rights. The hole…

I work myself to the bone for nothing. For nothing. Before taxes, one hour of work is a dozen of eggs. I can maybe afford a studio apartment for 8 months. No utilities. All my money goes towards having a place to live. I can't even afford food. There is nothing extra. I'm working just to have the privilege of shelter, a basic human necessity. But the only shelter I can afford, isn't even legal shelter nor is it safe. I've applied to every program, reached out to every service, every opportunity of help, and there is no help coming. They wonder why we aren't having children, well, I can't afford to live on my own, I certainly can't afford another human. Having children is unfortunately a privilege. I can't access higher education because I can't afford it. Political issues are being passed stripping me of my rights. The hole is getting dug deeper and without the tools to escape I will die here. Jobs are not chosen based off qualifications but rather who you know.

How much longer will I have to put up with this before I die or something changes for the better? The dystopian novels I grew up reading are becoming reality right before my very eyes and no one seems phased in the slightest. History is actively repeating itself and no one believes me. It's like playing a murder mystery, watching all your friends die, and realizing you're the only one left and everyone you knew was after you all along.

When the working class dies, where will the wealthy get their money? I don't see how this is beneficial.

The only reason I'm keeping my job despite it actively making my life worse and providing absolutely nothing for me, is fear of the economy becoming even worse and having no jobs be available at all.

America will burn to the ground if nothing changes and I won't be shocked in the slightest.

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