
This is all pathetic

I keep seeing an onslaught of news stories talking about how remote work is terrible and how it's affecting people. Even this moron Malcolm gladwell ignorantly stating “dOnT yOu wAnT tO bE a PaRt oF sOmEtHinG iMpoRtAnT?” Yes Malcom we do, what we don't want is closing at 11pm to open at 6am the next day, what we want is fair pay for our wages, what we want is not to dedicate our lives to a company only to have new senior management come in and start firing people for the sake of saving a few dollars, what we want is to not be modern day slaves. From CNN, Fox news to any other major news outlet, they want you to come into work soooooo bad because then you're spending 16 dollars for a dumbass Starbucks, there's no need to commute so less spending on gas, and you're not buying…

I keep seeing an onslaught of news stories talking about how remote work is terrible and how it's affecting people. Even this moron Malcolm gladwell ignorantly stating “dOnT yOu wAnT tO bE a PaRt oF sOmEtHinG iMpoRtAnT?” Yes Malcom we do, what we don't want is closing at 11pm to open at 6am the next day, what we want is fair pay for our wages, what we want is not to dedicate our lives to a company only to have new senior management come in and start firing people for the sake of saving a few dollars, what we want is to not be modern day slaves. From CNN, Fox news to any other major news outlet, they want you to come into work soooooo bad because then you're spending 16 dollars for a dumbass Starbucks, there's no need to commute so less spending on gas, and you're not buying news clothes to show off to your friends. Basically, we're not stimulating the economy which is what they so badly desire. They want a modern day coal company strategy. You work for them, you then go to their stores and buy their products only to go into work the next day and rinse and repeat. All of the news outlets are PATHETIC to say the least shoving this mentality down our throats.

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