
This is Becoming Unbearable

Gone are the days when a man could go to work, do his job and go home. Employers expect so much more of you. They cringe at the thought of the worker having any sort of respite so they invent “mandatory trainings” to keep one from being idle for too long. These trainings, mind you, are superfluous and run by people who aren't essential at all to the institution they serve. Work environments everywhere have become nothing more than bloated bureaucratic shit shows rivaling that of anything put in place by the former USSR. I can't take the constant emails from middle managers demanding I do this extra task or attend this training that only serves to justify their position within the company. I know how to do my job and do not need some corporate drone to micro manage me while I do it. The American work environment has…

Gone are the days when a man could go to work, do his job and go home. Employers expect so much more of you. They cringe at the thought of the worker having any sort of respite so they invent “mandatory trainings” to keep one from being idle for too long. These trainings, mind you, are superfluous and run by people who aren't essential at all to the institution they serve. Work environments everywhere have become nothing more than bloated bureaucratic shit shows rivaling that of anything put in place by the former USSR. I can't take the constant emails from middle managers demanding I do this extra task or attend this training that only serves to justify their position within the company. I know how to do my job and do not need some corporate drone to micro manage me while I do it. The American work environment has fostered the rise of a million little Napolean Bonapartes who do far more harm to production and worker satisfaction than good. This is insane and I can't fucking stand it any more!

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