
This is getting so ridiculous.

I lost my job in March, and for the first month I honestly just needed to take a break because my mental health had gotten so bad. But from April to now I’ve been applying to jobs and I’ve applied to well over 250 at this point and had maybe 7 interviews. I’m a social media manager, I don’t have a degree but I have over 4 years of extremely successful experience. I’ve grown 3 different accounts to over 50K from 0, usually in less than 6 months. I’ve done this on Facebook, Instagram, and tiktok. I’m also an experience content photographer and free lance graphic designer. When it comes to social media or marketing I’ve done all of it, And all I’m asking for is a starting rate of 18.50. But I still can’t get a fucking job. So I say fuck it at this point I’m getting desperate…

I lost my job in March, and for the first month I honestly just needed to take a break because my mental health had gotten so bad. But from April to now I’ve been applying to jobs and I’ve applied to well over 250 at this point and had maybe 7 interviews.

I’m a social media manager, I don’t have a degree but I have over 4 years of extremely successful experience. I’ve grown 3 different accounts to over 50K from 0, usually in less than 6 months. I’ve done this on Facebook, Instagram, and tiktok. I’m also an experience content photographer and free lance graphic designer. When it comes to social media or marketing I’ve done all of it, And all I’m asking for is a starting rate of 18.50.

But I still can’t get a fucking job.

So I say fuck it at this point I’m getting desperate might as well apply to some grocery store jobs or some receptionist positions.


My only thought is it must be my lack of degree or I’m on a hiring black list because this shit is getting ridiculous.

I have had ppl go over my resume, I send cover letters, I have tons of references, like what is the problem?!? I can’t even get a job at Trader Joe’s like what gives?!?!?

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