
This might make some people angry, but you’re not doing anything revolutionary by refusing to tip underpaid employees because you believe they should be making a living wage

Talk is cheap but what exactly are you doing to contribute to systematic change? Why is it so hard to fork over $5 that will help them secure food/gas/essentials in the very immediate future? The manager is not going to look at an empty tip jar and suddenly have an epiphany that he should be paying his employees better. I’m really surprised this is even something that needs to be mentioned in an anti-capitalist subreddit 🫤

Talk is cheap but what exactly are you doing to contribute to systematic change? Why is it so hard to fork over $5 that will help them secure food/gas/essentials in the very immediate future? The manager is not going to look at an empty tip jar and suddenly have an epiphany that he should be paying his employees better. I’m really surprised this is even something that needs to be mentioned in an anti-capitalist subreddit 🫤

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