
This one amazing secret will help dismantle the horrible working conditions of America:

Saying No. It's very powerful. Try it on your pencil pushing middle manager and watch them get red in the face. Say no to them, they might get so pissed that they put their hands on you, then you have a lawsuit. Say no to the lazy supervisor who does none of the work but basks in all the benefits. Say no to being forced to stand when you know you could reasonably do your job sitting. These dorks doing their best Richard Nixon impressions have never been told No by low level scum like us. And we believe we're low level scum and we kiss their feet. STOP, they are abusing us and we're taking it without question. Question EVERYTHING.

Saying No.

It's very powerful. Try it on your pencil pushing middle manager and watch them get red in the face.

Say no to them, they might get so pissed that they put their hands on you, then you have a lawsuit.

Say no to the lazy supervisor who does none of the work but basks in all the benefits.

Say no to being forced to stand when you know you could reasonably do your job sitting.

These dorks doing their best Richard Nixon impressions have never been told No by low level scum like us. And we believe we're low level scum and we kiss their feet. STOP, they are abusing us and we're taking it without question. Question EVERYTHING.

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