
This paragraph on my work’s new availability sheets

“I hereby request the above noted availability. I understand that should my availability not be accommodated as it may not meet the needs of the business and I fail to show for my scheduled shifts my employment with Wendy's may be terminated for cause without further notice, pay in lieu of notice, or severance. I have also read and understood Wendy's Policy 220 (Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Job Abandonment) and Policy 322 (Minimum Hours of Work and Call-In) and agree to be bound by these said policies.”

“I hereby request the above noted availability. I understand that should my availability not be accommodated as it may not meet the needs of the business and I fail to show for my scheduled shifts my employment with Wendy's may be terminated for cause without further notice, pay in lieu of notice, or severance. I have also read and understood Wendy's Policy 220 (Absenteeism, Tardiness, and Job Abandonment) and Policy 322 (Minimum Hours of Work and Call-In) and agree to be bound by these said policies.”

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