
This project has gone to shit, Im not trained and I just don’t give a shit anymore

Started a job more or less 6 months ago, and while i've been paid well and had good conditions here, I've hated it from week 1. I hate the product i'm supporting. I dislike the way my team works and communicates. I've not been effectively trained, and my direct colleague/manager hoards work from me leaving me sticking out like a sore thumb. Now management has twigged that the product is way behind where it should be in terms of schedule and functionality and more and more work is being heaped on to me, but its too late. I'm just emotionally drained, and am waiting for the right time to hand in my notice. Most likley Monday. I'm in a financial bind tbh, but I have plans to make some money online, and after a month of me time to recover after a tough 2.5 years or so personally I have…

Started a job more or less 6 months ago, and while i've been paid well and had good conditions here, I've hated it from week 1. I hate the product i'm supporting. I dislike the way my team works and communicates. I've not been effectively trained, and my direct colleague/manager hoards work from me leaving me sticking out like a sore thumb.

Now management has twigged that the product is way behind where it should be in terms of schedule and functionality and more and more work is being heaped on to me, but its too late. I'm just emotionally drained, and am waiting for the right time to hand in my notice. Most likley Monday.

I'm in a financial bind tbh, but I have plans to make some money online, and after a month of me time to recover after a tough 2.5 years or so personally I have to trust myself in getting a job that will cover the bills if worst come to worst.

Worst case scenario, I leave my flat and move in with my GF or my Mother. Its going to be OK.

Fuck waking up anxious every day. Fuck joining meetings where I don't know or care what is happening. Fuck this mundane treadmill to despair i've been on ever since I took this job. I knew it was a mistake since I came and i'm only annoyed with myself I let myself get pinned into this corner. Fucking dumb.

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