
This seems to be a cycle

I had a friend share a video, wherein the FDIC is disclosing how they would shut down the banking system as a way to prevent a panic and collapse. It got me to wonder how Rome fell, and so the rabbit hole began. I'm a different generation than most of you. I see a lot of you post silly things, but then I see some things that make me ponder. I work for Amazon. I know, at the heart, I'm just a number, a cog, but my motivations and intentions with this path are bigger than that. I have worked in my current department for 5 days now and it's an absolutely lonely job, not helped by lack of connection from my manager and his assistant. I don't even know their names and I don't know when break is. Anyhow, it really got me thinking about a lot of posts…

I had a friend share a video, wherein the FDIC is disclosing how they would shut down the banking system as a way to prevent a panic and collapse.
It got me to wonder how Rome fell, and so the rabbit hole began.
I'm a different generation than most of you. I see a lot of you post silly things, but then I see some things that make me ponder.
I work for Amazon. I know, at the heart, I'm just a number, a cog, but my motivations and intentions with this path are bigger than that. I have worked in my current department for 5 days now and it's an absolutely lonely job, not helped by lack of connection from my manager and his assistant. I don't even know their names and I don't know when break is. Anyhow, it really got me thinking about a lot of posts here and the “slave labor” mentality some of you have.

I promise I will tie all this together.

Government is absolutely no help, overspend, under deliver, over promise, and then they shit on you. I never had to pay into the IRS, but somehow I owe 15k last year. I didn't stutter. I'm middle class, negotiated some debts, the wife got a raise, so we had some positive movement. We got slapped for being successful and not sucking the teat.

Now the government is beginning to focus on China. We have before, as a political wonk, I know, I've seen it before, but Russia, Iran, China it feels different this year.

Anyhow to tie this thought together, I asked “What brought Rome down” and I saw the information on this page. Number one was basically that they kept getting hit from tribes, but it's number two that caught my eye and made me think of you all here.

Big business isn't our friend, big government isn't our friend, they will use you up and spit you out. (Again, not generally my mindset, but again can see many of you have experienced that)

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