
This sub has changed a lot

Just wanted to point out the change in this sub. Kinda wondering if anyone is feeling the same as me about it. This used to be a place to band together, give each other advise and even group boycott certain places. Just only a few months ago we were all banding together to boycott McDonald’s in an attempt to fight a multi billion dollar corporation that is not paying or treating their employees well. That hasn’t changed. Yeah we have made a dent and stores are starting to struggle but places like this are still the problem and it will never change if we don’t stick to our plans to change things. It feels like the motive of this group has gone from fighting back to just sharing memes and talking about how much the work place sucks. Neither are very helpful. I had high hopes that this sub would…

Just wanted to point out the change in this sub. Kinda wondering if anyone is feeling the same as me about it.

This used to be a place to band together, give each other advise and even group boycott certain places. Just only a few months ago we were all banding together to boycott McDonald’s in an attempt to fight a multi billion dollar corporation that is not paying or treating their employees well. That hasn’t changed. Yeah we have made a dent and stores are starting to struggle but places like this are still the problem and it will never change if we don’t stick to our plans to change things. It feels like the motive of this group has gone from fighting back to just sharing memes and talking about how much the work place sucks. Neither are very helpful. I had high hopes that this sub would be a movement to make change but as we have reached a larger number of people it seems like the motive has been diluted and misguided into a different direction.

Yeah I am a little salty. Im big enough to admit that. I got downvoted and talked to like Im an idiot for suggesting that we shouldn’t give money to the problem. That used to be the mindset here. There used to be feeling of direction in this sub. It used to feel like we all had each others back cause we are in this struggle together.

Im just speaking out to let the people that feel the same know that they aren’t the only ones and also hopefully some of the new followers can see the mind set we came from here in this sub.

Feel free to comment what you think about it all. Or downvote. Thats cool too. Hope everyone is good out there. Keep fighting the good fight.

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