
Thoughts about quitting current job during the interview process?

A few months ago, I was at my company's annual conference. I am a female and work in a predominantly male-dominated industry. At this particular conference, two male colleagues sexually harassed me, one attempted to follow me around the hotel/up to my room/tried to get me to leave the hotel with him, and the other called me hot in front of my boss (who stood there and did nothing). After this happened, I reported the issues to my boss. He ended up blaming me and said the guy following me around must have been doing it out of chivalry because I must have been drunk (I wasn't) and the other guy was just paying me a compliment and I was rude for not accepting it. Boss made me sit down with another employee (totally unrelated to the incident) after the conference and reamed me out for being too sensitive and…

A few months ago, I was at my company's annual conference. I am a female and work in a predominantly male-dominated industry. At this particular conference, two male colleagues sexually harassed me, one attempted to follow me around the hotel/up to my room/tried to get me to leave the hotel with him, and the other called me hot in front of my boss (who stood there and did nothing).

After this happened, I reported the issues to my boss. He ended up blaming me and said the guy following me around must have been doing it out of chivalry because I must have been drunk (I wasn't) and the other guy was just paying me a compliment and I was rude for not accepting it.

Boss made me sit down with another employee (totally unrelated to the incident) after the conference and reamed me out for being too sensitive and then proceeded to make me sit through a department meeting (while I was silently crying and seething with rage).

I've been applying to jobs since then and now I finally am in the interviewing phase. I had 6 interviews this week and I have 3 second interviews next week. I am very confident that one of these positions will pan out and they all pay much higher salaries than what I make now. I also have a very close friend who is well versed in business practices who keeps telling me NOT to quit my job until I have an offer in hand.

I'm at my wit's end here. Ever since this incident happened, my boss actively antagonizes me, does not take my opinions and my work as legitimate (I am in management and have a law degree), and actively gives me mountains of work to do even when I ask a simple question.

Reddit, I want out. I'm beyond done with this place. Are there any negative repercussions for:

  1. Quitting while in the job interview process (i.e. would it affect salary negotiations if I don't have a current employer?)
  2. Not giving a two weeks notice and just letting them know I'm done.

If I had it my way, I'd quit right this second, but if doing so could come back to haunt me, I need to know!

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