I’ve been browsing this subreddit and have been shocked and a little happy that I wasn’t alone with the terrible way some employers treat us. Here’s my predicament: I work in a warehouse for a large grocery store brand. My job is to scan freight, stack it onto a pallet, wrap it up and send it away to a truck to be shipped. Easy enough. 12 hour shifts of this 3 days a week. Allows me to pursue other things on my days off. The problems started when our managers started cutting our hours. My shifts have been 8-10 hours if I’m lucky. The new problem that just happened today was this: We recently got put on production. We must scan 300 cases an hour to make 100% productivity. That’s not the issue. It’s incredibly doable. I got an occurrence today (essentially a write-up) because last Monday, we had excessive freight back up. They were pushing the freight harder to try and cut hours from us and it ended up backing up and causing red lights (lights that indicate freight being backed up). We were also missing some of our normal crew that day so we were essentially short-staffed. Long story short, I got written up along with every other person in my area because the red light percentage was 25%. My first thought was to check my productivity that day. It was over 160%. I was overachieving that day trying to keep the lights out and now I’m receiving part of collective punishment for doing MORE than my job. I’m having a meeting tomorrow to talk about getting my write up removed. Thanks for reading. I’m open to advice or ways I can respectfully explain my case without sounding bitter like I do in my post. Also tell me your opinions on collective punishment. I’ve hated it since elementary school, personally.