
threatening to deny my transfer since i accidentally swore

So, my boss has been off the shits lately. A girl from another store got fired for several reasons, one of them being telling a minor to “shut the fuck up” a few times, and ever since shes been threatening people with write ups and termination if they swear, regardless of context. For context. I was having a conversation with a coworker about christmas shopping and i said “i dont know what to buy them, since they buy a lot of shit” (i didnt even mean this in a rude way or anything, i just couldnt think of a better word in the moment. Though i shouldve just said stuff.) Ill admit it was a my bad cause a customer was nearby and some people get mad about that kind of thing, but it was a genuine slip up and its not like i swearing in anger or to insult…

So, my boss has been off the shits lately. A girl from another store got fired for several reasons, one of them being telling a minor to “shut the fuck up” a few times, and ever since shes been threatening people with write ups and termination if they swear, regardless of context.

For context. I was having a conversation with a coworker about christmas shopping and i said “i dont know what to buy them, since they buy a lot of shit” (i didnt even mean this in a rude way or anything, i just couldnt think of a better word in the moment. Though i shouldve just said stuff.)

Ill admit it was a my bad cause a customer was nearby and some people get mad about that kind of thing, but it was a genuine slip up and its not like i swearing in anger or to insult or berate someone.

My boss knows im trying to transfer stores so i can live in a different area. For a lot of reasons i wont get into, my quality of life is pretty terrible due to my living circumstances. I need this to have a shot at a decent life anytime soon.

She berated me for swearing and said “do you even /want/ to transfer” in the same tone that youd say to a rowdy student who might get their field trip privileges revoked. If she writes me up for swearing, i will be barred from transfering stores for about 6 months i believe. This is not the first time shes threatened to barr my transfer for a minor violation in the last week or so. I feel like im walking on eggshells.

You can say all you want about how i should follow workplace rules to begin with. But i feel like threatening someones livilihood for minor problems is inhumane. I dont understand why she finds this acceptable behavior to treat me like a troublemaking child over the littlest things. I dont understand why she thinks preventing me from living my life is an acceptable punishment for minor issues. Its fucking crazy. This is why we need UBI. Ive had coworkers get threatened to get fired over this. No one should be afraid theyll lose their ability to eat, go to the doctor, and live in a house because they accidentally swore and their boss didnt like it. No one should be afraid they wont be able to move houses so they can escape a bad situation because they accidentally swore and their boss didnt like it.

Oh yeah, and this was today on christmas eve. How charming.

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