
Three Sick Days a Year is Ridiculous.

I am incredibly sick right now and in a pretty miserable mood as I’ve had to miss out on Thanksgiving with my family that I haven’t seen in months. I’m a QC lab tech for a smaller (200+ employee) soap manufacturer in Ohio. I work third shift. My job allows three days of sick time per year. I can only accrue up to one week of PTO a year which is gained extremely slowly. They don’t offer unpaid time off and now we’re being required to come in on our weekends for forced overtime because they lack the manpower to catch up late orders. My position had been vacant for over a year prior. Anyways, I’ve used all my sick days and now I’m going to be racking up points that’ll slowly get me fired. I get 10 points to burn before I’m fired. I’m at 4.5 and I’ve been…

I am incredibly sick right now and in a pretty miserable mood as I’ve had to miss out on Thanksgiving with my family that I haven’t seen in months.

I’m a QC lab tech for a smaller (200+ employee) soap manufacturer in Ohio. I work third shift.

My job allows three days of sick time per year. I can only accrue up to one week of PTO a year which is gained extremely slowly. They don’t offer unpaid time off and now we’re being required to come in on our weekends for forced overtime because they lack the manpower to catch up late orders. My position had been vacant for over a year prior.

Anyways, I’ve used all my sick days and now I’m going to be racking up points that’ll slowly get me fired. I get 10 points to burn before I’m fired. I’m at 4.5 and I’ve been here for around six months. One because I left my clock-in card at home. Two because I was 30+ minutes late due to severe traffic jams. One because I didn’t have enough sick time to cover the last time I fell ill and .5 because I was late twice by more than a minute. These take a year from the incurring day to be expunged.

I’m heavily contemplating on jumping ship.

Three days of sick time is insulting considering most illnesses last upwards of a week or so. You’d think with COVID, there would be more consideration for requiring sick people to come into work when they’re ill. After all, I’m fairly sure I caught the bug from a coworker who knowingly came in sick.

And of course, because I won’t be going in the day after a holiday “break” (two days), I won’t qualify for holiday pay. I hate this and I’m depressed as hell. Please tell me it gets better.

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