
threw away my company christmas card.

i(20M) currently work retail. as of late, they`ve been giving me fewer hours. i used to work a whole bunch of hours. now, i only work 3 days a week. this pisses me off to no end and i`ve brought it up to everyone but nothing has been done. as such, i have decided that i will not accept anything from them except for more hours. on occasions, my managers have offered me a free snack or a free drink for really good work but i`ve always turned it down. a few days ago, i received my company christmas card. i promptly threw it in the recycling bin. hopefully, it can be recycled into something more worthwhile.

i(20M) currently work retail. as of late, they`ve been giving me fewer hours. i used to work a whole bunch of hours. now, i only work 3 days a week. this pisses me off to no end and i`ve brought it up to everyone but nothing has been done.

as such, i have decided that i will not accept anything from them except for more hours. on occasions, my managers have offered me a free snack or a free drink for really good work but i`ve always turned it down.

a few days ago, i received my company christmas card. i promptly threw it in the recycling bin. hopefully, it can be recycled into something more worthwhile.

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