
Throwback to the time when they pretty much rigged pulse surveys at my work to ensure the raffle winner was someone in management

The contest stipulated completing the survey (about workplace morale) wasn’t enough to be entered into the raffle for the expense prize grill. 90% of your ENTIRE department had to complete it. For people who worked on the production floor (everyone not sitting in an office in front of a computer all day), they didn’t allow time set aside in your workday to do it. No department that worked on the production floor, i.e., all of the disgruntled employees, even reached 50% completion. The only department that reached the 90% was management, surprise. The fact that they’re allowed to do pulse surveys AT ALL is a conflict of interest, because they’re basically just giving themselves their own performance reviews and sending them off to corporate. But yeah… sprinkle on the bacon bits of give yourself a free grill with company money as a job well done while you’re at it.

The contest stipulated completing the survey (about workplace morale) wasn’t enough to be entered into the raffle for the expense prize grill. 90% of your ENTIRE department had to complete it. For people who worked on the production floor (everyone not sitting in an office in front of a computer all day), they didn’t allow time set aside in your workday to do it. No department that worked on the production floor, i.e., all of the disgruntled employees, even reached 50% completion. The only department that reached the 90% was management, surprise.

The fact that they’re allowed to do pulse surveys AT ALL is a conflict of interest, because they’re basically just giving themselves their own performance reviews and sending them off to corporate. But yeah… sprinkle on the bacon bits of give yourself a free grill with company money as a job well done while you’re at it.

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