
Tight on money, but my workplace is preventing me from working in another place.

I've been working at my current place for about 1.5 years now, it's a high-tech company, a good salary, good people, free ice cream and cookies, etc. This year we had many planned and unplanned changes – we bought our first home and took a mortgage, and had our first baby. In addition to that all, everything got more expensive. our mortgage got about 20% higher due to increased interest rate, all groceries got more expensive, electricity, water. you name it. I decided that it would be best if I worked in another place for a day, I contacted one of my past jobs, a coffee place, and they said “no problem, come work on Fridays.” but apparently, my current work has the following statement: It seems like I'm not allowed to. What do I do now, we keep losing money every month now. “The employee undertakes not to engage…

I've been working at my current place for about 1.5 years now, it's a high-tech company, a good salary, good people, free ice cream and cookies, etc.

This year we had many planned and unplanned changes – we bought our first home and took a mortgage, and had our first baby.
In addition to that all, everything got more expensive. our mortgage got about 20% higher due to increased interest rate, all groceries got more expensive, electricity, water. you name it.

I decided that it would be best if I worked in another place for a day, I contacted one of my past jobs, a coffee place, and they said “no problem, come work on Fridays.”

but apparently, my current work has the following statement:
It seems like I'm not allowed to.
What do I do now, we keep losing money every month now.

“The employee undertakes not to engage in any work, position or other occupation, whether for compensation or not, unless he has received the company's approval in advance in writing and subject to the fulfillment of the conditions of the approval.”

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