
Time theft does not exist.

Time is not money. All time is, is the best solution that humanity has of making sense of its perception of its place in the universe. It is a wholly insufficient as a way to frame productivity and outputs. If you waste half a day procrastinating you are not actually stealing company time. You are subconsciously making sense of your existence. That's all. That's hugely important to your long term well being and productivity at work. Source: wasting time by posting on Reddit

Time is not money. All time is, is the best solution that humanity has of making sense of its perception of its place in the universe. It is a wholly insufficient as a way to frame productivity and outputs.

If you waste half a day procrastinating you are not actually stealing company time. You are subconsciously making sense of your existence. That's all. That's hugely important to your long term well being and productivity at work.

Source: wasting time by posting on Reddit

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