
Tip Culture is disgusting and should be what industry workers fight against in the US

Disclaimer: I am french, we do pay our food service staff a living wage, tip is entirely optional and most of the time anectodical in their week revenues. When I go to the US, I always tip 20%, regardless of service quality. So. As title says. Tipping culture is disgusting. As a french dude, it is something that actually irritate me A LOT. I hate going to the restaurant in the US, not because I do not want to tip, but because I can not stand any longer the obsecuious and sugar coated mask every waiter have to pull when they speak to me. Doing service in the food industry in the US is a fucking job as an actor/actress. You are expected to be always nice and friendly, and to be on top of your game every day otherwise you would not receive a decent tip. Clients are judging…

Disclaimer: I am french, we do pay our food service staff a living wage, tip is entirely optional and most of the time anectodical in their week revenues. When I go to the US, I always tip 20%, regardless of service quality.

So. As title says. Tipping culture is disgusting. As a french dude, it is something that actually irritate me A LOT. I hate going to the restaurant in the US, not because I do not want to tip, but because I can not stand any longer the obsecuious and sugar coated mask every waiter have to pull when they speak to me.

Doing service in the food industry in the US is a fucking job as an actor/actress. You are expected to be always nice and friendly, and to be on top of your game every day otherwise you would not receive a decent tip. Clients are judging your performance and giving you a different percentage depending on how much they like it. That's actually sick. Waiters and waitress should be paid for WHAT they do (taking your order and bringing your food), and not depending on HOW they do it. Can you imagine it anywhere else? Yes, Mr Plumber, you unclugged my bathroom, but you did not smile enough so I am giving you 30% less of what you invoiced me for.

IMHO, Food services professionals should go on strike in the US broadly to put an end to that shitty tipping standard. Makes all menu items 20% more expensive and give those 20% as wages for waiters and waitresses.

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