
Tip Pool Party

So my younger sister, 17, just told me about how her new job at a small candy store, has a mandatory tip pool party. What is a tip pool party you ask, well… it is a party that they have every few months where instead of giving everyone their tips that they earned they instead keep everyone’s tips and throw a party for everyone. Did I also mention it’s mandatory to go, its on your day off and their not paying you and the restaurant their going to is an hour away so you have to figure out how to get there. Does this even sound legal?

So my younger sister, 17, just told me about how her new job at a small candy store, has a mandatory tip pool party. What is a tip pool party you ask, well… it is a party that they have every few months where instead of giving everyone their tips that they earned they instead keep everyone’s tips and throw a party for everyone. Did I also mention it’s mandatory to go, its on your day off and their not paying you and the restaurant their going to is an hour away so you have to figure out how to get there. Does this even sound legal?

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