
Tipping rules suggestion

Restaurant: 15-20%, Takeout: none, Coffee and fast food: none, Bar drink: 10% , Bar food: 15-20%,, Purchase of food or gifts at counter: none Taxi / Uber: 10-20% ( depending on ride), Room service: 10% above service fee, Food delivery: 10% above service fee, Doorman / cleaner / lawn mower: annual ($20 – 2 weeks of pay), Salon: 15-20% Thoughts?

Restaurant: 15-20%, Takeout: none, Coffee and fast food: none, Bar drink: 10% , Bar food: 15-20%,, Purchase of food or gifts at counter: none
Taxi / Uber: 10-20% ( depending on ride), Room service: 10% above service fee, Food delivery: 10% above service fee, Doorman / cleaner / lawn mower: annual ($20 – 2 weeks of pay), Salon: 15-20%


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