
Tips/Validation/Encouragement for Quitting

So I currently work as an administrative director for a small business. I've been here about a year and a half and I report directly to the business owner. The job is remote, part time, mostly self-managed. It worked for me for a while but recently I've become super burnt out due to my incredibly broad scope of responsibility. I feel mentally and emotionally drained by it most of the time… I work very closely with our employees and clients so I spend a lot of time entrenched in logistical problems. I do have another part-time job that I like a lot more and I'm starting to feel really exhausted by juggling both of them. I'm pretty set on quitting this job, but I'm feeling held back by the fact that I'm so heavily relied on to run this business. Right now I'm in the middle of a huge scheduling…

So I currently work as an administrative director for a small business. I've been here about a year and a half and I report directly to the business owner. The job is remote, part time, mostly self-managed. It worked for me for a while but recently I've become super burnt out due to my incredibly broad scope of responsibility.

I feel mentally and emotionally drained by it most of the time… I work very closely with our employees and clients so I spend a lot of time entrenched in logistical problems. I do have another part-time job that I like a lot more and I'm starting to feel really exhausted by juggling both of them.

I'm pretty set on quitting this job, but I'm feeling held back by the fact that I'm so heavily relied on to run this business. Right now I'm in the middle of a huge scheduling project and I'm trying to work myself up to quitting once it's done. But I feel like there's always gonna be another project to deal with and it's hard for me to wrap my head around passing this job onto someone else when there's so much going on… it took me 3 months to really settle in and the idea of training someone else is just so daunting.

I'm young, this is my first “adult” professional level job, and by nature I always over commit everything I do, so I'm just having a hard time tearing myself away from something that I feel relies on me so heavily. Is 1.5 years to short a timespan to justify quitting when it took me 3 months to fully settle in? Is there ever a right time to leave a job or will it always feel like jumping ship?

Tips for respectfully resigning/encouragement to do what's best for myself rather than for the business/related stories anyone might have are much appreciated. Please be nice! Thanks for reading.

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