
To all those who are curious about or want to end work.

But what's the alternative? I was born in a middle class family in a third world country and moved to a decent country with higher salaries for my studies. I come from a background where my dad didn't even have enough money to buy a pencil or have electricity. I'm working my ass off to finish off my degree so I can afford to put a roof over my head and three meals on the table. As a student, I have struggled to do that. I have gone to bed hungry on more occasions than I can count. I have cried myself to bed almost everyday. My internships got cancelled, got ghosted by recruiters, firms who never gave me a chance to begin with. I managed to secure one solid internship last year where I was paid just enough to put food on the table and pay my rent and…

But what's the alternative? I was born in a middle class family in a third world country and moved to a decent country with higher salaries for my studies. I come from a background where my dad didn't even have enough money to buy a pencil or have electricity. I'm working my ass off to finish off my degree so I can afford to put a roof over my head and three meals on the table.

As a student, I have struggled to do that. I have gone to bed hungry on more occasions than I can count. I have cried myself to bed almost everyday. My internships got cancelled, got ghosted by recruiters, firms who never gave me a chance to begin with. I managed to secure one solid internship last year where I was paid just enough to put food on the table and pay my rent and insurance. I was invited by the Senior VP to a dinner with some of my team members and since I was an intern, everyone was curious to get to know me. This is one of the biggest firms in the world and the the SVP was curious what I wanted to do post graduation. It went something like this:

SVP: So what do you intend to do after you finish your studies?

Me: I am not exactly sure yet, I would love to stay in the industry but I also want to explore other career paths, I don't want to go into finance or banking (my field).

SVP: Why?

Me: Crazy hours, lower pay per hour, no work-life balance, no time to build friendships or relationships which I believe is the main motivation behind anything I'd like to do.

SVP: (starts laughing) Work-life balance?

Me: Yes! I want to do sports which I haven't had the opportunity to do since I moved here because of financial constraints, go hiking, take up a dance class and learn cooking.

SVP: You're so immature! There's no such thing as work-life balance. I work 15 hours a day and my colleagues are my friends. I don't have a life outside but that's what you do to end up at a position like I have.

Me: (in my mind) Okay that's a bit fucked up and I don't want that.

SVP: Just stop being lazy, that's the problem with your generation!

Is it really that unreasonable? I understand maybe there are no alternatives but to work your ass off for 9-10 hours everyday for 50 odd years with no hobbies, no happiness, no memories to cherish on my deathbed but to work my ass off for something I would never have like buying a house.

I am curious to know what you guys think. Again, sorry if I don't come across as articulate or get my point across. I'm drunk as f*ck and depressed about what my future looks like.

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