
To comply or not comply

So I recently started a new job as a Resident Assistant working with Alzheimer's and dementia patients in a private facility. I work the afternoon shift (2-10pm). This past weekend was my first time out of training. I was on the floor with another RA and a med tech. When I was hired, the manager made a point to tell me that we couldn't clock in more than 6 minutes early and couldn't stay later than 6 minutes past our end of shift. Saturday and Sunday I didn't leave until around 10:30 because the incoming shift was late and we have to give patient reports. My question is would you leave at 10:06 regardless of a replacement or stay and eat the time?

So I recently started a new job as a Resident Assistant working with Alzheimer's and dementia patients in a private facility. I work the afternoon shift (2-10pm).
This past weekend was my first time out of training. I was on the floor with another RA and a med tech.
When I was hired, the manager made a point to tell me that we couldn't clock in more than 6 minutes early and couldn't stay later than 6 minutes past our end of shift.
Saturday and Sunday I didn't leave until around 10:30 because the incoming shift was late and we have to give patient reports.
My question is would you leave at 10:06 regardless of a replacement or stay and eat the time?

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