
To quit or to ask for a promotion?

Hey y’all, long time lurker of this sub, finally having a pretty nice antiwork moment here. So at the moment me (and my boyfriend) work at Pizza Hut. He started about a month after I did (for a referral bonus) and we both currently make around $11 an hour, which as an American we can barely live off of put together. I’ve been here for nearly two months so it may be a bit of a stretch to ask for a shift manager role, but I genuinely think I deserve it. Firstly because my GM said she can see me being a manager not before long. Second I’ve been doing the same duties as a shift manager except for the obvious manager specific duties like counting inventory. I help out our employees in any way, make sure everything is running smoothly, and even answer the phone when I’m not assigned…

Hey y’all, long time lurker of this sub, finally having a pretty nice antiwork moment here. So at the moment me (and my boyfriend) work at Pizza Hut. He started about a month after I did (for a referral bonus) and we both currently make around $11 an hour, which as an American we can barely live off of put together.

I’ve been here for nearly two months so it may be a bit of a stretch to ask for a shift manager role, but I genuinely think I deserve it. Firstly because my GM said she can see me being a manager not before long. Second I’ve been doing the same duties as a shift manager except for the obvious manager specific duties like counting inventory. I help out our employees in any way, make sure everything is running smoothly, and even answer the phone when I’m not assigned that day to be customer service.

Recently I’ve been searching for a new job, and I’ve been awaiting a background check for a different company, with much better pay, and my position will be shift manager, both of what I deserve. So what I’m trying to ask is should o notify my manager and send a letter of resignation out of my respect since she’s honestly really kind, or do I demand a promotion and leave if I don’t get it? Thanks for any tips!

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