
To quit or to not quit: advice welcomed

Hey guys so basically I work in education as a para. I don’t get paid enough. McDonald’s pays more than my job. Really my job has been toxic since I started there. However last week I was out for 3 days due to stomach flu. This week I was out 3 days for strep. I sent them the lab report that says I was positive for strep. They proceeded to ask for a doctors note and slip. Legally in CO they can’t ask for that stuff unless I’ve been out 4+ paid days. Fun fact I wasn’t paid for my time out. Basically they want a note stating why I couldn’t come back to work for 24 hours. If anyone has had strep before you know that you are contagious for 24 hours after starting antibiotics and I didn’t get results until Tuesday evening requiring me to be out all…

Hey guys so basically I work in education as a para. I don’t get paid enough. McDonald’s pays more than my job. Really my job has been toxic since I started there. However last week I was out for 3 days due to stomach flu. This week I was out 3 days for strep. I sent them the lab report that says I was positive for strep. They proceeded to ask for a doctors note and slip. Legally in CO they can’t ask for that stuff unless I’ve been out 4+ paid days. Fun fact I wasn’t paid for my time out. Basically they want a note stating why I couldn’t come back to work for 24 hours. If anyone has had strep before you know that you are contagious for 24 hours after starting antibiotics and I didn’t get results until Tuesday evening requiring me to be out all of Wednesday as well. Really tempted to just walk in, grab my stuff and leave. It’s effecting my mental and physical health. Admin are a bunch of jerks to those they don’t like. I’ve literally cried at this job because of how other co-workers and admin have treated me. Do I grab my stuff and leave or try to tough it out until by registration date at the end of this month?

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