
To switch careers or not to switch

I'm 37 and on my 2nd career and might be ready to switch again. I don't hate my job, my coworkers or my bosses. But I don't make as much money as I could be. I also have a lot of freedom and flexibly in my current job that would likely go away in a different career. I make enough to get by and don't struggle often, but I'm starting to think about getting older and how I could possibly retire one day. I have a B.S. that has never been utilized and I can see job postings I qualify for making more money. But do I even want a desk/office job? I value my work flexibility and the fact I don't HATE my current job, but I feel like I can do more and monetize more. It's a, the grass is greener dilemma. May 5 I'm due for a…

I'm 37 and on my 2nd career and might be ready to switch again. I don't hate my job, my coworkers or my bosses. But I don't make as much money as I could be. I also have a lot of freedom and flexibly in my current job that would likely go away in a different career. I make enough to get by and don't struggle often, but I'm starting to think about getting older and how I could possibly retire one day. I have a B.S. that has never been utilized and I can see job postings I qualify for making more money. But do I even want a desk/office job? I value my work flexibility and the fact I don't HATE my current job, but I feel like I can do more and monetize more. It's a, the grass is greener dilemma. May 5 I'm due for a raise hopefully, I think that should be the deciding factor.

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