
To those hurting.

You are aware of — and affected by — the struggle that us workers face. Our entire existence is now predicated on the grotesque fangs of capitalism and wage-labour. If, like me, you are aware of this reality and are tempted to give up, resist the urge. Fight for what is right. After all, revolutionary potential is built through struggle. “[T]he worker, whose only source of income is the sale of his labour-power, cannot leave the whole class of buyers, i.e., the capitalist class, unless he gives up his own existence. — (Marx, 1891) Consider organizing, joining a union, and educating your fellow peers on the class struggle. It’s the only way to effect change. We need people like you. And to end with another quote, from the Communist Party of the United States: No matter how flawed this system is, it is the system we must work within if…

You are aware of — and affected by — the struggle that us workers face. Our entire existence is now predicated on the grotesque fangs of capitalism and wage-labour.

If, like me, you are aware of this reality and are tempted to give up, resist the urge. Fight for what is right. After all, revolutionary potential is built through struggle.

“[T]he worker, whose only source of income is the sale of his labour-power, cannot leave the whole class of buyers, i.e., the capitalist class, unless he gives up his own existence. — (Marx, 1891)

Consider organizing, joining a union, and educating your fellow peers on the class struggle. It’s the only way to effect change. We need people like you.

And to end with another quote, from the Communist Party of the United States:

No matter how flawed this system is, it is the system we must work within if we are to dismantle it, expand democracy, and lay the foundations for socialism.

Be the change.

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