
Today, I just quit.

I worked as an auto damage appraiser for an insurance company and took a pay cut because I was promised less work and less stress. That was a lie. So we had to do 5 virtual estimates a day and keep up with supplements, but I was inundated with so many supplements, all you could do is supps just to catch up. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when we had a meeting with the CEO and CFO. They were complaining that they only made $18 million in profit but it wasn’t enough to give anyone a cost of living increase of a fair wage. After constantly arguing rates with body shops and arguing with customers why their deductible isn’t waived and why I using aftermarket parts on your 2002 vehicle, I am leaving this toxic industry. I found out the reason this company is always backed up…

I worked as an auto damage appraiser for an insurance company and took a pay cut because I was promised less work and less stress. That was a lie. So we had to do 5 virtual estimates a day and keep up with supplements, but I was inundated with so many supplements, all you could do is supps just to catch up. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when we had a meeting with the CEO and CFO. They were complaining that they only made $18 million in profit but it wasn’t enough to give anyone a cost of living increase of a fair wage. After constantly arguing rates with body shops and arguing with customers why their deductible isn’t waived and why I using aftermarket parts on your 2002 vehicle, I am leaving this toxic industry. I found out the reason this company is always backed up is because they have such a high turn over rate due to over working their employees because they’re not enough workers for the volume of work that comes in and no prevailing rate survey.

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