
Today I quit on the spot after two months of being micro-agressed by boss

After getting daily bullying and being called words for minor and correctible things such as doing a typo (I work in a foreign language), not staying to work till midnight, not finding an email on the spot, trying to propose some new ideas, not doing things I was never told about and receiving zero training on a software I learned by myself from scratch I finally had it. As i got to work this morning and was greeted by a ‘this is not good’ email on a submitted project that met all the requirements and was delivered on time, I rectified accordingly to his request, printed the file and left it on his desk, delivered my keys, got up and left. In my last email I wrote ‘I may not be a perfect employee but one day my skills in x,y,z will be better while you, you will always stay…

After getting daily bullying and being called words for minor and correctible things such as doing a typo (I work in a foreign language), not staying to work till midnight, not finding an email on the spot, trying to propose some new ideas, not doing things I was never told about and receiving zero training on a software I learned by myself from scratch I finally had it. As i got to work this morning and was greeted by a ‘this is not good’ email on a submitted project that met all the requirements and was delivered on time, I rectified accordingly to his request, printed the file and left it on his desk, delivered my keys, got up and left.

In my last email I wrote ‘I may not be a perfect employee but one day my skills in x,y,z will be better while you, you will always stay a bad manager.’

I feel that that I can breathe at last.

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