
Today I was let go from my workplace

As the title suggests I just found out I will be fired at the beginning of next month. The problem is that they are trying to force me to sign some documents so it looks like I walked out, thus won’t get any compensation. Didn’t sign a damn thing, got in touch with a lawyer and currently going back and forth with them to make things right. But can’t help and feel disgusted by how people treat each other, for the past few months I have been feeling burned out and my anxiety levels have skyrocketed just because I tried to give my best. Just to find myself in this situation. Thought of posting it here for support because I feel so shitty right now.

As the title suggests I just found out I will be fired at the beginning of next month. The problem is that they are trying to force me to sign some documents so it looks like I walked out, thus won’t get any compensation. Didn’t sign a damn thing, got in touch with a lawyer and currently going back and forth with them to make things right.

But can’t help and feel disgusted by how people treat each other, for the past few months I have been feeling burned out and my anxiety levels have skyrocketed just because I tried to give my best. Just to find myself in this situation.
Thought of posting it here for support because I feel so shitty right now.

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