
Today I worked my first shift at a shady hotel. I won’t be going back…

I am a college student who has been looking for a place to work in order to pay for a spring semester class. After a couple days I found a hotel interested in hiring, we had a phone interview where he scheduled my first day. Before I even arrived at the job I saw a few red flags, first off their was no description of my job, secondly their was no picture or even address of the hotel, and third there were no reviews or frequently asked questions. I thought about not showing up, but I thought how bad could one 8 shift be? I showed up and we went over how the business functioned financially. This is where the first red flag appeared. My boss told me that I could sell the rooms for anything over the base price and that if a senior citizen or veteran wanted a…

I am a college student who has been looking for a place to work in order to pay for a spring semester class. After a couple days I found a hotel interested in hiring, we had a phone interview where he scheduled my first day. Before I even arrived at the job I saw a few red flags, first off their was no description of my job, secondly their was no picture or even address of the hotel, and third there were no reviews or frequently asked questions. I thought about not showing up, but I thought how bad could one 8 shift be?

I showed up and we went over how the business functioned financially. This is where the first red flag appeared. My boss told me that I could sell the rooms for anything over the base price and that if a senior citizen or veteran wanted a discount I could tell them I wa giving them one and then say I was giving them a discount, but that I needed to add taxes which would even out to be the inflated base cost so in reality they wouldn't be given a discount. My father is a veteran so this really did not sit well with me, how could I lie to their faces after what their sacrifice?

Later on in the day I overheard him talking to another employee. The employee was annoyed becuase he was told he would be given an incentive for marking up prices, but that incentive did not appear on his paycheck. A little while later my manager called him and told him thatbhe didn't have the money but that instead he'd give the employee a 25$ gift card to Walmart. This sounded alarm bells in my head so I decided to pressure him on what benefits I would be given working there and what I'd get paid on holidays. In response to these questions he wouldn't give me a straight answer. At first he told me that I would be given more money on holidays but quickly changed his mind and instead told me that he had not been given the time to look at those things yet since he was too busy with his job.

The final redflag was when I asked him if I could punch out at the end of my shift. As you all knowing the punch system us how hours are accurately tracked, so that the employee get paid for all their time, and also so that the employer isn't lied to about time worked. He responded to his question by extending out his arm and telling me that to give him a fist bump… though this was a definite joke, it turned extremely worrisome when he refused to elaborate and instead told me that I could simply leave.

In short I will not be working for this hotel becuase on top of not giving an accurate description for their job they additionally told me to lie to veterans and the elderly and would refused to inform me about specifics of my employment from benefits to holidays and even how my hours would be tracked. This has got to be one of the oddest shifts I've worked in my life.

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