
Today is when I gave up.

I worked for a company for the past 6 years. Tried to get full time for the past 3, but everytime I brought it up they said they would contact me if anything poped up. I work as security and it's possible to be hired as a part time worker on paper, but get your hours up to a full time. Summertime is the absolute worst. It's a dumpster fire when everyone goes on vacation and they hire substitutes. Most of the time, there is not enough people to cover the shifts. A month ago they moved me to a building where you have to stand or walk around for 6-8 hours and you only get 30 minutes lunch break. You can not sit down or leave for a bathroom break without someone taking your spot. Nightmare. No one wants to work there so they desperately need people. When I…

I worked for a company for the past 6 years.
Tried to get full time for the past 3, but everytime I brought it up they said they would contact me if anything poped up.

I work as security and it's possible to be hired as a part time worker on paper, but get your hours up to a full time.

Summertime is the absolute worst. It's a dumpster fire when everyone goes on vacation and they hire substitutes. Most of the time, there is not enough people to cover the shifts.

A month ago they moved me to a building where you have to stand or walk around for 6-8 hours and you only get 30 minutes lunch break. You can not sit down or leave for a bathroom break without someone taking your spot. Nightmare.
No one wants to work there so they desperately need people. When I talked to other guards there, it turned out that many of them got tricked into taking the position. The upline basically sugarcoated the location really hard. “Good hours, many breaks and nice people!”

A week after i started to work there, an other company called me. It was a small company that I haven't heard too much about, but i know that the CEO got tired of the company i work for now and decided to start his own.
Apparently someone recommended me to them and they offered me a full time job as security for a office building at night.
It was an miracle, and I of course took the offer.

I emailed my current company and told them that i resigned.
But i had 1 month left of work with them. The last 2 shifts I had scheduled for the month, i would have to move since the new company wanted me to go those days for learning before i started the next month.
I wrote to them almost two weeks prior and explained I needed leave for those days since I started a new job.

They denied the leave due to lack of personnel.

So I called in sick and said i won't be able to come in for the rest of the two weeks that i have left with them. I said that i got the virus.
This goes against every fiber in my body.
I rarely get sick, I'm always on time and I have always taken shifts they can't get people for.

So the two weeks i have off now, I'll go on a very fancy vacation.

I deserve if after not having a proper one for 6 years.

And for the summertime, they can kindly go F themselves.
Good luck with replacing me.

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