
Today will be interesting

I put in my notice at my current job, and have another one lined up that I will be starting in a couple of weeks. My current job has put me in therapy and a cocktail of psychiatric medication, and is miserable every day. The only reason I gave a two weeks is because I vibe with my current supervisor and wanted to be respectful. Well I have used up my paid sick time due to a GI disease I just found out I had, and now I have the flu after the holidays on top of all of that. Currently have a high fever, and I want to complete my two weeks, but I have to put me first. We have an allotted amount of time that we are allowed to take off unpaid, I have calculated manually, referred to the handbook to verify I am correct, and if…

I put in my notice at my current job, and have another one lined up that I will be starting in a couple of weeks. My current job has put me in therapy and a cocktail of psychiatric medication, and is miserable every day.

The only reason I gave a two weeks is because I vibe with my current supervisor and wanted to be respectful.

Well I have used up my paid sick time due to a GI disease I just found out I had, and now I have the flu after the holidays on top of all of that. Currently have a high fever, and I want to complete my two weeks, but I have to put me first.

We have an allotted amount of time that we are allowed to take off unpaid, I have calculated manually, referred to the handbook to verify I am correct, and if I call off today I would still not have reached the hours to result in termination (I had to take some unpaid time off back towards the beginning of the year when I did not have access to my paid time yet).

However, I had wanted to use some of that unpaid time off last week due to my GI problems, and my manager was adamant that I didn’t have any unpaid time off allowance left. I explained I calculated it manually, and the statement was disregarded. I worked the day and sucked it up. But today, I am not doing it. I will be promptly calling when I wake up before my shift, and I’m taking the whole day off. If I get the response that I don’t have any unpaid time, my resignation will become effective immediately. I never want to work for this company again as long as I live, so I don’t give two shits about being eligible for rehire. I mainly just wanted a full paycheck before I started the new job so I didn’t have to dip into savings.

Thank you for allowing me to vent as I’m unable to sleep and most of all, put yourself first.

Edit: I would like to add that if I’m told that calling off today will result in termination, I will make sure I have all of my documentation, launch a formal complaint with the DOL and then I will fight for unemployment for the 1.5 weeks I have left. Pisses me off just thinking about this even being a possibility.

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