
Told I’m getting fired tomorrow

I got hurt at work (tore a muscle or something)and was told to just go home and rest it instead of going to the doctor or filing a WCB form. The company wouldn’t give me one and is famous among our staff for not caring about the employees. The muscle was swollen when I got home and the next day (my day off) when I went to work (the third day since I got hurt) I still couldn’t lift anything heavy and was told not to strain myself and get help if I need it. Well fast forward 2 weeks I injured myself at home and had to call in. The next day I work I check my schedule and had my shifts cut drastically for the next few weeks as punishment for missing too many shifts. I wasn’t written up or anything. Just cut my hours and a talking…

I got hurt at work (tore a muscle or something)and was told to just go home and rest it instead of going to the doctor or filing a WCB form. The company wouldn’t give me one and is famous among our staff for not caring about the employees. The muscle was swollen when I got home and the next day (my day off) when I went to work (the third day since I got hurt) I still couldn’t lift anything heavy and was told not to strain myself and get help if I need it.

Well fast forward 2 weeks I injured myself at home and had to call in. The next day I work I check my schedule and had my shifts cut drastically for the next few weeks as punishment for missing too many shifts. I wasn’t written up or anything. Just cut my hours and a talking to.

This week the punishment was ending but I had a family emergency come up and had to call in again because I could not go to work that day. Now they want to fire me and I’ve been told by my co workers that it’s going to happen tomorrow when I go into work. Is there anything I need to know to protect myself or to fight it? I think I’m going to record it on my phone tomorrow when I have to talk to my boss but is there anything else? If I get fired will I get severance pay? For how long? Is this legal? I was told I just had to serve the punishment of less hours and then I’d be good again like nothing happened but I couldn’t control the family emergency. This is the first time I’ve had to deal with anything like this.

I’m in Canada btw.

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