
Told my boss to go f*** herself today and made her cry

I started a new job two months ago, and I immediately recognised that I had made a mistake joining the business. The senior manager was a serial handballer, micromanager, and a total control freak. She wasn’t present during the entire onboarding process. The other day, I caught up with her to inform them that the job wasn’t for me and I wasn't a proper fit for the company. After she asked for feedback I tore her a new one and she started balling her eyes out. What I said wasn’t even bad for a corporate role but it was probably the first guy who stood up to her and said it how it is. Since I’ve been there I saw how badly she treated our team including myself as well as others in the organisation. A real corporate snake POS manager. Unfortunately, I left a considerable amount of money on…

I started a new job two months ago, and I immediately recognised that I had made a mistake joining the business. The senior manager was a serial handballer, micromanager, and a total control freak. She wasn’t present during the entire onboarding process. The other day, I caught up with her to inform them that the job wasn’t for me and I wasn't a proper fit for the company. After she asked for feedback I tore her a new one and she started balling her eyes out. What I said wasn’t even bad for a corporate role but it was probably the first guy who stood up to her and said it how it is. Since I’ve been there I saw how badly she treated our team including myself as well as others in the organisation. A real corporate snake POS manager. Unfortunately, I left a considerable amount of money on the table doing this but it was so satisfying to see that nutcase buckle, if I had my time again, I’d do it again and again. Her reaction was priceless. Never let a POS manager treat you like a slave. Everyone deserves respect no matter the job. Glad to be gone.

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