
Tomorrow is going to be lit

Earlier in the year there was an opening for the team lead position. With the support of the team, I applied for it. I was denied even interviewing for it, and not even by the manager, she sent someone else to do it with the excuse that I did not have any project management certification, which wasn’t even in the job description. They hired an idiot that doesn’t have that either. Now mind you, I have a masters degree in my field (IT). The idiot hired has a psychology associates and 1/3 of my work experience. You would imagine that he would understand how empathy works, but he doesn’t. He is dismissive of EVERYTHING I say. I have to teach him things 5 times, and every single time I have to explain why it works this way. It is exhausting cause I don’t work for Microsoft and I have no…

Earlier in the year there was an opening for the team lead position. With the support of the team, I applied for it. I was denied even interviewing for it, and not even by the manager, she sent someone else to do it with the excuse that I did not have any project management certification, which wasn’t even in the job description.

They hired an idiot that doesn’t have that either. Now mind you, I have a masters degree in my field (IT). The idiot hired has a psychology associates and 1/3 of my work experience. You would imagine that he would understand how empathy works, but he doesn’t. He is dismissive of EVERYTHING I say. I have to teach him things 5 times, and every single time I have to explain why it works this way. It is exhausting cause I don’t work for Microsoft and I have no idea why they decided to make things the way they work.

His documentation is a joke. His guide to “common problems” is an estimated 9 minute read. Imagine being the new guy with someone on the phone trying to find the info you need in that. He also needs to control every meeting we have and me and another co-worker can’t hardly get a word in.

Well I got the sympathetic ear of the HR executive, but I figured I would go the correct route before getting that far. Tomorrow during my meeting with my manager, I have typed up ALL the things he has done to prove his superiority to me, with examples, screenshots, etc.

I have nothing to loose. Best case scenario they fire me, I collect unemployment and sue them (I have a 6 months of evidence documented). Worst case scenario nothing changes, and I go to the director, and keep moving up until I get to the executive that will for sure take this seriously.

One way or another this idiot’s reign over me will be over soon! What tipped me over the edge was finding out that he makes almost twice what I make!

Feel free to send any advice you have my way.

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