
Tomorrow is the day I turn in my notice for my overbearing and driving-me-mentally insane job

That’s pretty much it. This boss and company have driven me to the bone and I can’t take it anymore. My apartment lease ends in 3 weeks and I’ll be moving states and starting a new life and new job. I have so much stress from this job asking me to work 70+ hours a week for the same salary that I’ve cracked 2 teeth from grinding. It’s gonna be very freeing, but very scary dropping this notice off. I have a plan to record the convo I have. I feel such a mix of emotions tonight. I feel scared and happy and brave and relieved and terrified and like I could cry. I hope this goes well. This was the highest paying job I’ve ever had, and I’ll be taking a huge pay cut at any other job moving forward, but I think it’ll be worth it. Keep me…

That’s pretty much it. This boss and company have driven me to the bone and I can’t take it anymore. My apartment lease ends in 3 weeks and I’ll be moving states and starting a new life and new job. I have so much stress from this job asking me to work 70+ hours a week for the same salary that I’ve cracked 2 teeth from grinding. It’s gonna be very freeing, but very scary dropping this notice off. I have a plan to record the convo I have. I feel such a mix of emotions tonight. I feel scared and happy and brave and relieved and terrified and like I could cry. I hope this goes well. This was the highest paying job I’ve ever had, and I’ll be taking a huge pay cut at any other job moving forward, but I think it’ll be worth it. Keep me in yalls thoughts. Any advice helps thanks

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