
‘Too desperate’ for the job.

I was remembering some of my worst interviews after my most recent one went so well (I got the job and everyone's chill af so far) when I remembered one that made my blood boil. Years ago I had just dropped out of university due to severe mental health difficulties. I had a crappy bartending job, A levels as my highest qualification (which are useless on their own), no money, no time and living with my parents. I was a mess. An opportunity arose at a company for an apprenticeship that paid much more than the minimum and I applied. All candidates had to go through 10 working days of tasks, interviews and team exercises for a chance ay the position. I spent two weeks busting my ass day in, day out for these people. I missed some shifts and events to make the time for them. At the end…

I was remembering some of my worst interviews after my most recent one went so well (I got the job and everyone's chill af so far) when I remembered one that made my blood boil.

Years ago I had just dropped out of university due to severe mental health difficulties. I had a crappy bartending job, A levels as my highest qualification (which are useless on their own), no money, no time and living with my parents. I was a mess.

An opportunity arose at a company for an apprenticeship that paid much more than the minimum and I applied.

All candidates had to go through 10 working days of tasks, interviews and team exercises for a chance ay the position.

I spent two weeks busting my ass day in, day out for these people. I missed some shifts and events to make the time for them.

At the end I didn't get the job which would be fair enough in and of itself. However, in their review, they stated the reason was 'Your behaviour made you seem too desperate, which isn't a good luck as a candidate'


How do these people even think this is an acceptable thing to say to someone? What person is sacrificing TWO WEEKS of working time for you and isn't desperate?

Five years on and I'm still completely baffled and enraged by that nonsense. Anyway, rant over, what was the most bs reason you lost a job?

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