
too much piss

recently i got called into HR bc my production wasn't 'up to par' and they had noticed i was taking alot of bathroom breaks. i literally have to pee like every 2 hours at work or out. the main issue was apparently that there are people in my department who are going over the production expected, so i asked if they would also be brought in because if you're going to have a problem with underperformance it's only fair that you have a problem with overperformance as well right? of course not, the underperformers need to step up their game. not that anyone's production value is effecting the departments overall performace, we've been slaying the day away according to everyone including the owner. I'm fucking sick of this place, I've been there for over a year and just now it's being brought up that i use the bathroom too much…

recently i got called into HR bc my production wasn't 'up to par' and they had noticed i was taking alot of bathroom breaks. i literally have to pee like every 2 hours at work or out. the main issue was apparently that there are people in my department who are going over the production expected, so i asked if they would also be brought in because if you're going to have a problem with underperformance it's only fair that you have a problem with overperformance as well right? of course not, the underperformers need to step up their game. not that anyone's production value is effecting the departments overall performace, we've been slaying the day away according to everyone including the owner. I'm fucking sick of this place, I've been there for over a year and just now it's being brought up that i use the bathroom too much and my performance sucks even though I've been doing the exact same shit every day?!?!?! Lord send me to hell bc this is worse. i literally work in marijuana, i thought this shit was supposed to be cool and chill.

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