
Took a second job to cover my bills while I started my own business…

My business is scratching by just enough to support my family and myself now. Like just barely. But I have had enough. I am going to put my notice in at the second full time job today. But why is it that I feel so guilty quitting a job I absolutely hate (it is literally like physical torture working this second job with the conditions) so I can be with my family and do something that I love? Why do they make you feel like a failure for grinding out success and your own path? Why is it so hard to be happy? I feel like making your own way is made as difficult as possible with overwhelming taxes, fees and associations just so you can work in the first place and not to mention retirement and cost of healthcare. WFT. But I am still quitting. They have had enough…

My business is scratching by just enough to support my family and myself now. Like just barely. But I have had enough.

I am going to put my notice in at the second full time job today. But why is it that I feel so guilty quitting a job I absolutely hate (it is literally like physical torture working this second job with the conditions) so I can be with my family and do something that I love? Why do they make you feel like a failure for grinding out success and your own path? Why is it so hard to be happy? I feel like making your own way is made as difficult as possible with overwhelming taxes, fees and associations just so you can work in the first place and not to mention retirement and cost of healthcare. WFT.

But I am still quitting. They have had enough of these hands creating success for them. I am sick of the grind on everyone elses terms. Had enough bullshit work to last me a lifetime. My turn to be happy. Fuck em.

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