
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Shortages we have now are nothing compared to whats coming. With trains and docks in America, air traffic in Europe, even Warehouses are all see serious crunches. And whats the cause? Labor rights! These politicians have forced the issues of gun rights and abortion in our faces so they won't have to address labor rights in the coming election. Don't get it twisted, gun and abortion rights are definitely important issues, but they are also wedge issue, they pit Americans against each other. Labor rights unite all Americans against the Politicial and Corporate interests that control us. Don't lose sight of this come November. The shortages and higher prices will be a major issues. Democrats are going to blame Trump and the GOP, the GOP will blame Biden and the Democrat Congress, but the truth is they're both right. This is the end result of decades of greedy politicians signing…

Shortages we have now are nothing compared to whats coming. With trains and docks in America, air traffic in Europe, even Warehouses are all see serious crunches. And whats the cause? Labor rights! These politicians have forced the issues of gun rights and abortion in our faces so they won't have to address labor rights in the coming election. Don't get it twisted, gun and abortion rights are definitely important issues, but they are also wedge issue, they pit Americans against each other. Labor rights unite all Americans against the Politicial and Corporate interests that control us.

Don't lose sight of this come November. The shortages and higher prices will be a major issues. Democrats are going to blame Trump and the GOP, the GOP will blame Biden and the Democrat Congress, but the truth is they're both right. This is the end result of decades of greedy politicians signing our rights away to corporation.

Don't let November come and go without demanding every candidate to address their record on labor right and corporate favoritism!

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